Australasian Registrars Committee

Connecting professionals in registration, exhibitions, loans management & care for cultural heritage collections across Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Oceania & beyond

About ARC

The Australasian Registrars Committee (ARC) then known as the Australian Registrars Committee was founded in Canberra at the CAMA (Council of Australian Museums Association) Conference on 21 November 1990.

Latest News

Journal 86: Call for Contributors

Dear ARC Members, We are looking for contributions for the ARC Journal 86 that discusses the progress towards digitising analogue audiovisual material and reflections on the opportunities and challenges posed

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Journal Articles

The world needs to see this!

Any professional that has spent time in the museum field has had a simply breath-taking moment – the moment that makes one want to run out the door and drag the nearest person to see what they’re seeing.

Keeping Museum Collections Moving

As one barrier to the mobility of museum collections is removed with the Australian Government’s recent move to provide immunity legislation, another rears its head in the form of a policy change from Australian Customs that sees the costs skyrocket for lending and borrowing museums.