Small Museums Cataloguing Manual, 5th edition

Front cover of the AMaGA Small Museums Manual

It’s been 12 years since the manual was last updated in 2009. The 5th edition, just released in September 2021 is a free downloadable and searchable digital pdf copy – a welcome technological leap. Produced by AMaGA Victoria, Australia with funding from the Public Record Office Victoria, this 115 page publication is an easy to read, plain English guide to the key aspects of cataloguing  and registration at a small museum. Primarily aimed at 3D object based collections the manual now contains for the first time a section on digitisation. The terminology and resources lists at the back have also been updated. A good document for introducing the basics of cataloguing and registration to volunteers, interns and students who are of invaluable assistance to most museums and galleries!

Download a free copy from the Australian Museums & Galleries Australia Victoria (AMaGA) website here